Making the World Better, One Bite at a Time
Suzanne Pollak
According to Dorothy Parker: Eternity is a ham and two people. I thought about Ms Parker when I made a pecan pie yesterday. (Because this is officially Pie Pastry Week at the Academy, I have half a dozen pastries just waiting to be filled.) I found myself thinking, What the hey hey (as my six year old grandson Owen says) am I doing making a pecan pie when I live by myself? Is this the definition of loneliness for eternity? NO! it is the definition of opportunity. After devouring a piece last night and another with coffee for breakfast, I still have six slices to share.
Everyone can agree on a pie. A couple of slices shared can be a delightful and powerful way to start conversation, to perhaps begin the work of connecting across the spectrum of beliefs. No matter how people with fundamentally different backgrounds think, how they voted or with whom they identify; when sharing a pie or making one together in class, everyone gets along just fine. So let’s make the world a little better one bite at a time!
There are still a couple of spots left in our Carbs 101 classes over the next few weeks…sign up HERE.