Save Your Silver
Suzanne Pollak
Believe it or not, Thanksgiving -- even Christmas -- is right around the corner. Whether you have two pieces of silver, or two thousand, the Holidays present the perfect opportunity to put it to use. (If you aren't using your silver at all, the Dean says time to sell!)
Simplify your life. Go ahead and check polishing off your list with this quick, easy trick utilizing aluminum foil. It doesn't need to take all day, or even an hour. Your silver will be shiny as new in minutes, less time even than takes to down a glass of wine. Why not?
Full Disclosure: There is a rumor floating around on the Internet that silver will tarnish faster using this method. We say, who cares? We're just trying to make it through New Years without passing out from sheer exhaustion. In the name of brilliant advanced planning, short cuts are A-OK with the Academy.