'The Ten Commandments of Quarantine' for October VIE
Suzanne Pollak
“During the past six months, cooking and dining may be the only good times to step away from doing your day job at home, hovering over your computer or trying to manage your child’s education. Spending an extended period of time together around a table nurtures family relationships and establishes a foundation for lifelong intimacy. The three key words are SIT, TABLE, TOGETHER…as opposed to individuals spread out in different rooms, eating in front of their screens, hiding out in their bedrooms. You must eat together. Period.
As much as we may crave ditching dinner and escaping to a restaurant, today is a different world. Taking a break from screens, meetings, and homework, getting in the kitchen and preparing food means we eat together. Nightly meals are the time for face-to-face human connection now more than ever, even if it’s only with those we see all day long, love the most, and get annoyed with the quickest. Mouths need to be fed! We have a tremendous chance to make little adjustments and strengthen family times by knitting our family together, one dinner at a time….”
Read about the other nine Commandments of Quarantine in the latest issue of VIE Magazine HERE.