No Time for Foolishness
Suzanne Pollak
Recently the Dean heard news she cannot like; in fact, it has her recoiling in horror. Say it ain’t so! That people the Dean knows, and knows of (with children no less) have not turned their stoves on for over six months -- told like a brag, even with pride! This is foolishness beyond belief. These people are missing out on some of life’s greatest pleasures: relaxation, creativity, bonding, feasting at home.
Here’s what else these fools are missing:
- eating healthier meals,
- making the kitchen (instead of TV) the heartbeat of the house,
- teaching children manners, healthy eating habits, patience, focus and concentration by simply sitting at the dining table,
- and one of the most joyous daily occurrences, spending time together with people you love eating food you love.
The Academy cannot help these folks. Is there an Academy out there for common sense?